Never grown magic mushrooms yourself? Here’s how to get started.

Growing Magic Mushrooms Yourself

Are you interested in growing magic mushrooms on your own? You’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll share the basics of cultivating magic mushrooms, including what magic mushrooms are, the materials you’ll need, and how to choose the right mushroom strains. By the way, did you know there are sounds to magic mushrooms[1]?

There are three methods for growing magic mushrooms, with some being easier than others. We’ll walk you through the cultivation process step by step, including information on the importance of hygiene and safety, as well as tips for addressing common growth problems.

A sterile workspace is the starting point

Regardless of the method you choose, a sterile workspace is essential. Despite their robust appearance, mushrooms are actually very delicate organisms. The environment in which they grow is not only welcoming to Psilocybe mycelium but also to various other molds and bacteria.

The substrates in which they grow are particularly susceptible to contamination. Various aggressive organisms can easily outcompete mushroom spores. To give your magic mushrooms the best chance, maintaining a clean environment is vital[2].

Method 1: Grow Kits

Magic mushroom grow kits offer a quick and simple way to cultivate large quantities of mushrooms at home. Although caution is still required, this method presents the fewest difficulties.

A standard grow kit typically includes the following items:

  • A fully colonized substrate
  • Filter bag or a suitable cultivation container
  • Instructions

While some kits may include additional items, these are the basic components. For an optimal harvest and a smooth process, we recommend having the following additional supplies on hand:

  • Latex gloves: for hygienic work
  • Plant sprayer: to maintain proper humidity
  • Heating mat (optional): for ideal temperature
  • Magic mushroom kit heat guard (optional): to protect your kit
  • Hygrometer (optional): for measuring humidity.

Magic mushroom grow kits provide an easy way to grow a large quantity of magic mushrooms quickly. Although caution is advised, this is generally the easiest method. Plus, Tatanka offers ready-to-use magic mushroom grow kits!

Method 2: PF Tek

To grow magic mushrooms using the PF Tek method, you’ll need specific materials. Most of these materials can be obtained from regular stores, except for the mushroom spores. The essential items include mushroom spores (via spore syringe or spore print), a pressure cooker for sterilization, jars for the substrate, brown rice flour as the growth medium, vermiculite for proper humidity, and a large plastic container with a lid as a fruiting chamber.

Method in a nutshell:

  • Mix vermiculite with brown rice flour in jars.
  • Sterilize the jars, preferably in a pressure cooker.
  • Inject the spores.
  • Allow the substrate to colonize.
  • Encourage the formation of “pins” through light and cool temperatures.
  • Provide optimal conditions in the fruiting chamber for growth.

This method is perfect for beginners who want to experience the entire cultivation process from the beginning. Although it is time-consuming and requires patience and mistakes are often made[3], it yields satisfying results. However, for a quicker harvest, grow kits are more efficient.

Method 3: Spore inoculation on bulk substrate

For those aiming for a massive harvest, the spore inoculation on bulk substrate method is an excellent choice. While it requires a bit more effort, it provides an almost endless supply of magic mushrooms. It takes things a step further from the PF Tek, focusing on mass-producing mushrooms.

The supplies needed include the inoculum: a mass of mycelium. This can be a piece of mycelium cake from a PF Tek, an agar mixture, or a liquid culture. You’ll also need a large container (like the fruiting chamber), coconut coir, coarse vermiculite, cow dung, water, and hydrated lime.

What’s the step-by-step process?

  • Create your inoculum.
  • Add the inoculum to the bulk substrate.
  • During colonization, place the container in an opaque bag.
  • After colonization, remove the bag and mist to stimulate fruiting.
  • Observe the growth of abundant magic mushrooms.

Why choose this method for growing magic mushrooms yourself? The main reason is the massive harvest it offers. This “bulk” method yields significant quantities of magic mushrooms. For those with patience, space, and resources, this is how you can get an almost infinite supply of magic mushrooms!

What are popular magic mushroom strains for beginners?

As a beginner, it’s best to start with popular and easy-to-cultivate magic mushroom strains using a grow kit, such as the Thai Magic Mushroom or the Psilocybe Mexicana.

Each magic mushroom strain has its unique characteristics and features. Some strains are stronger than others. It’s important to research the specific attributes of each strain before growing them.





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