Card Grinders

Want a discrete weed grinder that doesn’t attract any attention, yet you can always have it with you? Consider a grinder card. This handy device can always stay in your wallet or purse, furthermore, it looks like any other card you have with you. Only you will know that this metal card grinder can also grind cannabis! Check our selection below!

Different grinder card designs

Everyone will find their perfect card grinder at Tatanka. We have all sorts of fine designs, so you can choose the picture you like the most. Grind your herbs with style. 

Wallet Card Grinder

Wanna have a grinder in your wallet or purse that doesn’t attract any attention? Metal grinder card is the perfect solution. It is sized to match all the most popular cards like ID, passport, or debit cards, so nobody will ever suspect a thing.

Metal Card Grinders

These weed grinders work on the “cheese grater” principle, you simply take some bud and grate it through the metal card. This gives you some equally ground weed that will blaze nicely and smoothly. 

Buy Card Grinders Online

Tatanka offers a great selection of all the most popular card grinder designs, so everyone can find the perfect discrete grinder they need!

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