MCPP EZ-Test – 10 Pack
As a bonus this test kit also reacts to 6-APB, which goes burgundy red. Although the samples that were used for this could not be verified by lab, due to a lack of a standard reference sample, they came from a very reputable source. That’s why we included it in the results, but as ‘unverified’.
More and more other substances are being sold as Ecstasy, but only MDMA should be considered ‘real’ ecstasy . These can have serious side-effects such as nausea , anxiety , insomnia, and in the worst case death.
EZ Test is a quick and easy to use test kit that can tell whether a pill or powder contains mCPP or TmFPP, substances belong to the phenylpiperazine class. EZ Test is an effective test of these potentially harmful substances. Contains a 10 testers.